How to maintain fiber laser cutting machine (second part)-Flora

How to maintain of fiber laser cutting machine

How to maintain fiber laser cutting machine

First, check whether the crimping of each terminal of the terminal block in the electrical cabinet is firm. And the electrical plug connectors are firmly connected, confirm that there is no looseness.

Second, check the wiring harness and cable everywhere, and confirm that there are no extrusion, bending, grinding, and scratching. And, there is no open welding or short circuit or hidden trouble in the welding of the break point and the plug joint.

Third, clean up dust in the electrical cabinet.

Fourth, check the top wire of the reducer under each axis motor to confirm that it is not loose.

Fifth, check the center of the beam to make sure it is concentric with the nozzle hole.

Sixth, check the protective lens to make sure it is clean and free of dirt.

Seventh, clean the nozzle, nozzle fastening ring, ceramic ring, ceramic ring fastening ring, dust and slag between the height sensors.

8th, clean the dust and slag on the lead screw and Z-axis guide rail.

9th, clean the surface of the cutting head and focus on cleaning the cooling water pipe joint, auxiliary gas joint, protective lens window, QBH/QCS joint and other parts.

10th, check all parts of the fiber optic cable to confirm that there are no extrusion, bending, twisting, rubbing or scratching.

11th, check the grounding protection end of the device to confirm that the connection is intact.

12th, check the nozzle to confirm that the through hole has good roundness, the outlet end face is flat, and no foreign matter or scale attaches to the cavity.

13th, check the cutting head and slide assembly to confirm that the bolts are tight and not loose.

14th, check the legs and horns of the bed to confirm that the support is in balance and stable, and the level is good.

15th, check the anti-freezing agent filling condition of the water cooler, and confirm the qualified antifreeze and the appropriate filling amount.

16th, check the water circuit main circuit and external light path temperature setting values. Ensure that the main circuit water temperature is within the laser operating temperature range and as close to room temperature as possible.

17th, check to confirm that the cutting process parameters, cutting software background configuration parameters setting properly. Besides, update the backup files in time if there is any changes.

18th, check the limit switch, the test confirms that the on-off induction is good and the alarm signal is normal.

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