How long does a laser cutting machine pay for itself

How long does a laser cutting machine pay for itself
XT laser cutting machine
We do any investment will consider the input and output ratio, when we are ready to buy a laser cutting machine, we will want to “laser cutting machine how long to recover the cost” of the problem, which is also the core issue of the purchase of the laser cutting machine, the following laser cutting machine manufacturers new day for you to briefly introduce the laser cutting machine how long it takes to recover the cost of the problem. Cost of the problem. Under normal circumstances, the cost of laser cutting machine processing, about 300,000 yuan or so 850W solid laser cutting machine to cut 1mm stainless steel (using air) hourly processing costs of 28 yuan, 700,000 yuan or so 500W fiber laser cutting machine to cut 1mm stainless steel (using oxygen) processing costs of 18 yuan. If the volume of business is a lot of words, we calculate in accordance with the 24 hours a day without stopping, solid laser cutting machine is consumed every day cost 672 yuan, fiber laser cutting machine consumed every day cost 432 yuan. Solid laser cutting machine can reach 1900 yuan per day output value, fiber laser cutting machine can reach 3120 yuan. Labor 200 yuan / day. Fiber laser cutting machine efficiency and profit is significantly higher than the YAG laser cutting machine, YAG laser cutting daily profit: 1900-672-200 = 1028 yuan; fiber laser cutting machine daily profit: 3120-432-200 = 2488 yuan; 300,000 yuan YAG laser cutting machine to recover the cost of time: 300,000/1028 ≈ 292 days; 700,000 yuan of fiber laser cutting machine to recover costs. million yuan of fiber laser cutting machine cost recovery time: 700000/2488 ≈ 281 days; the above is an ideal processing estimates, but according to the actual customer response, the business processing volume is more cases, 850W solid-state laser cutting machine cost recovery time for 1 ½ – 2 years or so. 500W fiber laser cutting machine cost recovery time for 2 years – 2 ½ years or so. The cost recovery time for 500W fiber laser cutting machine is about 2 years – 2.5 years. Therefore, Shenzhen Dynamic Laser suggests that customers can according to their own processing business and budget to choose the right laser cutting machine, as soon as possible to recover the cost of equipment. Currently on the market common YAG laser cutting machine and fiber laser cutting machine two kinds of equipment, customers in the choice of the main products to be processed to position, which is suitable for their own is the best, the general cost of laser cutting machine between 200,000 and 300,000 yuan. If the volume of business is very large, we run at full capacity every day, the cost per day should be about 500 dollars. But generally are incoming material processing, time is not fixed, relatively flexible, the output value can reach 2,000 to 3,000 yuan per day. Wear and tear of the machine and the cost of consumption and accounting for personnel wages, laser cutting machine is no exception, the service life of the equipment in 6 to 8 years, every day, excluding wages, machine consumables, wear and tear, the rest is all profit. Business volume, cost recovery is naturally faster, so it is recommended that customers can choose the right laser cutting equipment according to their own processing business volume and budget to recover costs as soon as possible. Therefore, it is recommended that customers can choose the right laser cutting machine according to their own processing business volume as well as budget to recover the cost of equipment as soon as possible.

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