The tips to reduce laser cutting costs Vicky


The most obvious factor is the machine itself. Of all the options available to users of laser cutting systems. It basically comes down to two unique and distinct resonator technologies: CO2 and fiber. However, the most significant advantage of fiber laser is its energy efficiency. Fiber lasers are more energy-efficient than CO2 lasers. A CO2 cutting system effectively uses between 8 and 10% of the energy. While the fiber laser users can expect efficiency figures of between 25 and 30%. In other words, the total energy consumption of a fiber system is between 3 and 5 times lower than a CO2 system, making it 86% more efficient.

Fiber lasers also have advantageous light properties such as a shorter wavelength, which enhances the absorption of the beam by the material to be cut, and allows cutting of non-conductive metals such as brass and copper. Up to 6mm, a 1.5kW fiber laser has a cutting speed equivalent to a 3kW CO2 laser, which translates into higher productivity at lower operating costs, as operating costs of a fiber system are lower than those of a traditional CO2 system.

Materials Costs can vary greatly, and your material choice impacts making time. The general rule is that thinner and lighter materials cut faster. Thus, the quicker your design cuts, the less it will cost.

With a tolerance of +/- 0.005 of an inch, laser cutting production fits particular specifications and accurately delivers a piece’s details the first time. Time is an essential factor in laser cutting, but the overall turnaround of the operation is rapid. Versatility in size and metal material is another benefit of laser cutting machinery, although these do have differences in price.

Properly preparing your company’s design files, material choices and course can reduce the price of this incredible technology. Several components in laser cutting, like time, make the production more speedy and effective. Check out our top tips to diminish your laser cutting costs.

The tips to reduce laser cutting costs

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