Fiber laser marking machine from XTLASER-Karina

Fiber laser marking machine from XTLASER

Fiber laser marking machine. Laser engraving machine and laser etching machine can be the same as the laser marking machine.  But the processes of marking, etching and engraving differ.

  • Laser Engraving is a subset of Laser marking where the product or material is “engraved” instead of marked. “Deep” patterns in the surface are created by direct incisions.

  • Laser Etching does not go deep. It involves creating a mark on the surface of the product by chemical corrosion or removing the protective coating of the surface. This results in a textured effect (like etched glass).

  • Laser Markinis the process of creating a superficial but long lasting mark on the surface without chemical corrosion (like etching) or cutting through the surface too deep (like engraving).

This is what makes lasers far more advantageous. They can be controlled to produce a superficial but permanent mark on the product or go deeper and cut all the way through the material.

 More and more customers chose fiber laser marking machine, marking logo, number, date, picture…..on their product.

If you wan to learn more of the fiber laser marking machine, contact us freely! 


Skype: xtlaser103

Whtasapp: 008618206584205

Karina xiao 

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