Application and Benefits of Laser Cutting System-Chris

Application and Benefits of Laser Cutting System

Application of laser cutting

Laser cutting is a process where a material is cut through the use of a laser beam. This can be for small & fine materials or materials. And the level of thickness (e.g. metal sheets) is much greater. The process simply involves the use of a focused laser beam (e.g. pulsed or continuous wave) to cut a wide range of materials. It has a high level of accuracy. And it is highly repeatable as well.

It is easy to program the laser beam to precision cut a diverse range of thicknesses and materials (e.g. metals (including reflective metals such as copper, silver and aluminium) – brass, steel, pewter and titanium etc.), gemstones (e.g. diamonds), ceramics, graphic composites, silicon and many types of plastics.

Even the most complex, fiber laser system is for completing the awkward and intricate of shapes as the user has total control over the beam intensity, duration and heat input. Laser cutting has some similarities to other laser-based processes such as engraving and drilling, which also use a focused laser beam to effectively make designed cuts into a material.

Benefts of laser cutting

After cutting the items with the fiber laser, organisations will never revert back to traditional techniques. These are often much slower, involve costly tooling charges. They can struggle to cut very thick materials and often entail lengthy process set-up times. Laser cutting processes also typically consume much less power than traditional cutting techniques. It also wastes much less material so could be a bona fide part of reducing an organisation’s carbon footprint.

The whole process is non-contact. These include reduced downtime and increased profits due to lower personal injury risk, no “wear and tear” of moving parts and no material damage due to contact.


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