About high power fiber laser cutting machine – Nora

About high power fiber laser cutting machine – Nora


Why choose high power fiber laser cutting machine ? Here are some reasons.

1.Market environment, industry trends

Global marketing feedback : more and more clients prefert o choose higher laser power to cut metal plates,1kw&1.5kw demand are decreasing gradually.
Mainly reason:1.2kw and more than 2kw laser machine priceis going down more clients focus on cuttin gefficiency,highe rpower can get faster cutting speed, higher production volume,making more profit.
Another groups of clients,who bought 500w, 750w laser machine before 2017. Nowadays, more ofthe mare up dating their laser power into 2kw or more than 2kw.
This trend also accelerate the speed of Higher Laser Power Changing.

2.Higher power laser machine’s rejection rate is much more lower then low power laser,especially when cut thick plate. Altough higher power laser cutting machine priceis little higher. It can save so many plates for us and reduce the production cost and wasteage.

3.Considerin gafter sales,as Raycus, IPG o rMax. etc. Laser source provider, in 2nd half of 2020, has anounced that they willr educe productio nvolume of 1kw and 1.5kw, especially 1kw.
Reason : (1) Market demand down sharply (2) Production cost is high always, not profit space .

Soifclients’ 1kw or 1.5kw laser source have problem in near future,it will be difficult to get a new spare parts of laser source,may be they can only get some retreading parts,or even they can get a new parts,but need to wait longer time than before. It is not good for clients production line.

4.There is so small fund is apiece of cake for your company. Compared with 1kw laser, 1.5kw laser cutting speed is much faster. It will cut down your leadtime, and improve your steel cutting capacity, so that your company keep high competition in local. One USA clien tfeedback he rcover price difference with in half year.

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