What materials can the laser welding machine weld – Carlos

Laser welding uses high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area.

The energy of laser radiation is transmitt to the inside of the material through heat. Melting the material to form a specific molten pool. It is a new type of welding method, so mainly used for welding precision parts of thin-walled materials. Thats why it can realize spot welding, butt welding overlap sealing welding, etc. The weld has to width is small, the heat affect zone is small and the deformation is small, thats why welding speed is fast, and the weld is flat.

The welding quality is high, the precision can be accurately controll, and the positioning accuracy is high, so the automation is easy. With the continuous development of science and technology. By the waty traditional welding methods cannot meet the special requirements of materials in many industrial technologies.

The advantages of laser welding machines are low bonding strength and wide heat affected zone. Especially in many industries have gradually replaced traditional Welding method. Almost all of these industries use laser welding machines.

1 Products that require welding seams are welded by laser welding. Which is not only small but also does not require welding.

2 Products with high automation In this case. Which is laser welding equipment can be manually programmed and the path is automatic.

3 The welding of products at room temperature or under special conditions can be stop at room temperature or under special conditions. And the installation of laser welding equipment is simple. For example, if the laser passes through an electromagnetic field, the beam will not move. The laser should be weld in a vacuum of air and in a certain gas environment, because of weld to the beam by glass or transparent.

4 Some inaccessible parts require laser welding equipment. Which can weld inaccessible parts and realize non-contact long-distance welding with high sensitivity.

Laser welding uses high-energy laser pulses to locally heat the material in a small area.

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