Fiber laser cutting machine cutting material and thickness control

XT laser cutting machine
Laser cutting machine is the use of focused high power density laser beam irradiation workpiece, so that the irradiated material rapidly melting, ablation or reach ignition point, and at the same time with the help of coaxial with the optical Cambodia high-speed airflow blowing off the molten material, so as to realize the workpiece cut. Laser cutting belongs to one of the thermal cutting methods. Different power laser cutting machine cutting thickness of the upper limit value is not the same, the theory of the choice of laser cutting machine power the higher the better, but the actual application of a more reasonable choice, for example, cutting metal sheet with high power laser cutting machine is obviously not the most economical method, the following analysis of the thickness of the laser cutting machine cutting of different power, the object includes stainless steel, carbon steel, alloy steel, aluminum, silver, copper, titanium and other metal materials. Titanium and other metal materials.
For different metal materials with different power laser cutting machine cutting thickness and cutting materials have a great relationship. 500W fiber laser cutting machine, 1000 watt fiber laser cutting machine, 2000W fiber laser cutting machine, 3000W fiber laser cutting machine and so on the power section of the power of the various power of the laser cutting machine can cut how thick it?
Generally speaking, different laser cutting machine power to cut the thickness of various materials limit values are shown below (for reference only, the actual cutting capacity is also related to the quality of the cutting machine, cutting environment, auxiliary gas, cutting speed and many other factors):
1, 500W fiber laser cutting machine cutting the maximum thickness of different materials: carbon steel maximum thickness of 6mm; stainless steel maximum thickness of 3mm; aluminum plate maximum thickness of 2mm; copper plate maximum thickness of 2mm
2, 1000W fiber laser cutting machine different materials cutting maximum thickness: carbon steel maximum thickness 10mm; stainless steel maximum thickness 5mm; aluminum plate maximum thickness 3mm; copper plate maximum thickness 3mm
3, 2000W fiber laser cutting machine different materials cutting maximum thickness: carbon steel maximum thickness of 16mm; stainless steel maximum thickness of 8mm; aluminum plate maximum thickness of 5mm; copper plate maximum thickness of 5mm
4, 3000W fiber laser cutting machine different materials cutting maximum thickness: carbon steel maximum thickness of 20mm; stainless steel maximum thickness of 10mm; aluminum plate maximum thickness of 8mm; copper plate maximum thickness of 8mm
5, 4500W laser cutting stainless steel maximum 20mm, but 12mm above the cutting surface quality is not good to ensure that 12mm below the absolute bright surface cutting. 6000W cutting ability will be better, but the price is also higher.
In the process of practical application, fiber laser cutting machine cutting ability is also related to the quality of the cutting machine, laser type, cutting environment, cutting speed and many other factors, the use of auxiliary gases can also improve a certain cutting ability, so there is no absolute standard to judge its cutting thickness. For example, carbon steel cutting mainly by oxygen combustion, two stainless steel cutting mainly by power. General 1000w fiber laser cutting machine can cut carbon steel plate about 10mm, stainless steel plate to be slightly difficult to cut point if you want to improve the cutting thickness, is to sacrifice the edge effect and speed at the expense of.

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