أربع نقاط من تأثير القطع بالليزر الليفي- ويلسون

Four points of fiber laser cutting effect

Four points of fiber laser cutting effect.

For new customers, when purchasing equipment, they will look at the laser cutting machine for proofing. In addition to proofing the cutting speed of the equipment, that is to see the cutting quality of the sample, so how to look at the cutting quality, what aspects should focus on?

1. الرأسية.

If the thickness of the sheet metal exceeds 10mm, the verticality of the cutting edge is very important.

When away from the focal point, the laser beam becomes divergent, and depending on the position of the focal point, the cut becomes wider toward the top or bottom. The cutting edge is a few millimeters away from the vertical line. The more vertical the edge, the higher the cutting quality.

2. الخشونة.

The laser cutting section will form vertical lines. The depth of the lines determines the roughness of the cutting surface.

The lighter the lines, the smoother the cutting surface. Roughness affects not only the appearance of the edges, but also the friction characteristics. In most cases, it is necessary to reduce the roughness as much as possible, so the shallower the texture, the higher the cutting quality.

3. الملمس.

عند قطع الألواح السميكة بسرعات عالية ، لا يظهر المعدن المنصهر في الجروح الموجودة أسفل شعاع الليزر العمودي ، ولكن بدلاً من ذلك يتم رشه في الجزء الخلفي من شعاع الليزر. نتيجة لذلك ، يتم تشكيل خطوط منحنية عند حافة القطع ، وتتبع الخطوط عن كثب شعاع الليزر المتحرك. لتصحيح هذه المشكلة ، يمكن أن يؤدي تقليل معدل التغذية في نهاية عملية القطع إلى القضاء بشكل كبير على تكوين الخطوط.

4. عرض القطع.

Generally speaking, the cut width does not affect the cutting quality. Only when a particularly precise contour is formed inside the part, the cutting width has an important effect.

This is because the cutting width determines the minimum inner diameter of the contour. Increase. Therefore, we want to ensure the same high accuracy, regardless of the width of the cut, the workpiece should be constant in the processing area of ​​the laser cutting machine.

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