What is difference between continuous laser and pulsed laser?-Karina

What is difference between continuous laser and pulse laser?-Karina


What is difference between continuous laser and pulse laser?

What is difference between continuous laser and pulsed laser ? It is a mechanical form such as a wave (electric wave/light wave, etc.) emitted at the same time.

Laser pulse
Then, it refers to a light pulse emitted by a pulse-operated laser. Simply put, just like the work of a flashlight, the button is continuously operate when the button is closing. And the “light pulse” is issue when the switch is turning off immediately. It is necessary to work in pulse mode, such as sending signals and reducing heat generation. Laser pulses can be extremely short. Such as the “picosecond” level, which means that the pulse time is on the order of picoseconds. And 1 picosecond is equal to one trillionth of a second (10E-12 seconds).
Continuous laser

The laser pump source continuously supplies energy and produces a laser output for a long time to obtain a continuous laser. Continuous laser output power is generally low, suitable for occasions requiring laser continuous operation (such as laser communication, laser surgery, etc.)
Pulsed laser
What is difference between continuous laser and pulse laser ? The pulse mode of operation refers to the way to work once every interval.
Pulsed lasers have large output power and are suitable for laser marking, cutting, and ranging.
Common pulsed lasers: yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) lasers, ruby lasers, sapphire lasers, neodymium glass lasers, etc.  In solid-state lasers. There are also nitrogen molecular lasers, excimer lasers.

 To sum up

Giant pulse laser
The loss is artificially add to the cavity to make it larger than the gain of the working substance. And there is no laser output. However, under the continuous excitation of the pump source, the number of atoms in the energy level of the laser is increasing. And a large population inversion is obtain. If the peak power is define as the energy of the pulse divide by the duration of the pulse (pulse width).
Continuous lasers

As the name suggests, use laser output to continuous in time, the output of the pulse laser is discontinuous. And the shortest commercial speed can on the order of a few femtoseconds, so pulsed lasers are often use to measure ultra-fast physical processes. However, continuous lasers are also beneficial. After frequency stabilization. A narrow line width can obtained, which can use for laser ranging and fine spectrum.

Calculation formula
What is difference between continuous laser and pulse laser? The peak power difference between the two is very large. The better semiconductor laser in the continuous laser can achieve the hundred W level. And the pulse laser can now achieve the magnitude of TW in the femtosecond. The shorter the pulse width, the less the thermal effect. The fine There are more pulsed lasers in the process.
Peak power = single pulse energy / pulse width;
Average power = single pulse energy * repetition frequency.

To sum up
The pulse width of the laser is for a pulse laser or a quasi-continuous laser, which can understood simply as the duration of one laser pulse per shot or the duration of one laser pulse. The repetition rate is the number of pulses  by the laser per second. For example, 10 Hz means that 10 laser pulses are emitted in one second. However, the pulse width of each laser pulse varies from laser to laser, and is nanosecond or subtle or millisecond.



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