How can you make money with personalized Marking?-Yan

Hot sell FIber laser marking machine

Nowadays, it is increasingly favorable to add individualization and originality to your belongings. You can add unique personal dedications to gifts, signs or trophies of many kinds. The best way to support a marker varied field of application is with laser technology.

Additionally, the advertising material industry benefits greatly from the various applications done with a laser. Nearly all suppliers provide giveaways and simple promotional items. These items can be sold with a higher profitability margin if they have high-quality laser markings.

When you add that personal touch to a product, Customers generally tend to pay more. As a result,we can calcute the cost of merchandise with an individual laser marking according to the market’s price per product achievable. It is not uncommon for personalized items to cost 5 to 10 times the basic item cost.

Example: Surcharge for laser-engraved ballpoint pen


High-quality ballpoint pens with unique carvings are priced at US$15, and the unit price of these products is as low as US$1.50, depending on the quantity purchased.”Laser cost” typically caluculate at $1 per minute of laser use in the laser processing industry. Therefore, it is easy to determine costs based on various graphics and processing time. In the ballpoint pen example, if your engraving takes 15 seconds, the laser costs will equal to 25 cents per unit. Even when you consider labor costs, it is quite simple to see that laser engraving can make a large profit.



Example:Surcharge for the laser engraving (high-quality finish)

Laser marking promotional key USB stick

Increasing surcharges for laser marking is one way to obtain money.Using this system,we can compare with other suppliers, and is offered at a lower price point. Adding an engraving, therefore, results in a surcharge. It is reasonable to apply roughly 1 dollar/lasermarking, . Meaning that the purchase of a laser system (average value – depending on size and equipment) is already economically viable with roughly one hundred items per week. With greater order volumes a viable possibility in the line of promotional items, as well as no fixed costs being aquired in laser processing, promotional item suppliers can boost the profitability of their company with laser markings.

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