To achieve a high level of operation that allows you to have a fluid production, with high quality in cuts. You must choose your allies well, you must choose a CO2 XT LASER laser cutter

CO2 laser cutter, immediate utility

1. Geographic area where production takes place.
2.Type of production; that is, it is not the same if only labor done. Or your company develops the product until its completion and commercialization.
3. The number of employees you have, or if the production carry out by yourself.
4. And of course, the level of production you have. Which closely relate to the amount of customers or maquilas you generate.

For example, we can assure you that in Mexico City, where the price of maquila reaches $ 8 pesos per minute. If you work 5 days a week for 6 hours a day, you can recover your investment of the CO2 laser cutter in a period no more than 6 months.

What is the curve of consolidated customers with a CO2 laser cutter?

In XT LASER we have hundreds of customers who have 100% satisfied with their CO2 laser cutters, time. And experience allow us to identify a behavior curve that most resort to. For example:

Entrepreneurs who purchase a CO2 laser cutter recover their investment between the 5th and 6th month of use (working at least 5 days per week, 6 hours per day). Once they recover their investment, they are ready to invest again in a higher-end CO2 laser cutter. But on the second occasion they risk buying 2 more equipment, because for this moment, they not only make up their own production. But also They provide makeup services for other entrepreneurs, companies or processes. They are usually advertising and craft entrepreneurs.

Another significant constant is in the furniture sector, where normally the employer approaches to buy a CO2 cutter for details, we have identified that after recovering his investment he decides to acquire a CNC Router, equipment that will give him greater production capacity for various materials in those who are experimenting commercially.

While you think of all the variables before telling yourself to invest in a CO2 laser cutter, there is already another person investing in your third laser. Give yourself the opportunity to start your project with the help of an XT LASER technology, which guarantees you a short-term return on investment.

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