IPG Raycus laser source differences for fiber laser cutting machine-Bonnie

Laser source differences IPG Raycus for fiber laser cutting machine

What’s the Laser source differences?

When we are buying a fiber laser machine we need to know Laser source differences

some of them are Chinese power source brand, others are USA brand, and others are German brands.

Amount all these brands of fiber laser power sources which one is the best?

Which fiber power laser source is cheap? Which one is the most popular?

In this blog we want to explain this, to let you chose the right machine for your application.

Laser source differences

Laser source differences:

Many people wonder why some Raycus machines are so cheap, and IPG is expensive.

All this difference in price is not only because one power source it is made in China and other it is made in Germany.

The main difference is the engraving result, the quality of the machine, the final warranty.


This brand is cheap, and this is the main reason most of the companies use it.

It is not famous for a quality engraving and also have less warranty than other fiber power sources.

This brand also has a little range of 20 to 80 kHz, which make it have a short range of engraving materials.

In comparison with other brands, Raycus doesn’t offer too much advantage to the customer, but it can be very cheap.


IPG is one of the most famous brands for their high-quality engraving, stability, and warranty the main advantage over other brands is the high-quality engraving and warranty in comparison to the Chinese brands. Also, it has a wide range of materials that it can engrave.

Laser source differences  is the engraving result, the quality of the machine, the final warranty.

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