4 aspects to judge the quality of fiber laser cutting machine-Anne

4 aspects to judge the quality of fiber laser cutting machine


Grasp the rules of the various technological factors in the processing of fiber laser cutting machine on the surface quality, we can find the process measures to improve the cutting quality, to improve the quality of the materials surface.

For laser cutting, evaluation of the quality of their processing are mainly the following 4 points:

Kerf perpendicularity is good, heat-affected area is small;

The perpendicularity of the cut edge is important when the thickness of the machined material exceeds 18 mm; the laser beam diverges away from the focus,

and the cut becomes wider toward the top or bottom depending on the focus position. Cutting edge deviation from the vertical line a few millimeters, the more vertical edge, the higher the cutting quality.

Heat effects of cutting materials;

As a hot cutting application equipment,  it is must  exert a thermal influence on the material during its use, , which mainly includes three aspects:

a. Heat affected zone;

b. Depression and corrosion;

c. Deformation of material
The heat-affected zone refers to during the laser cutting, along which the area near the incision is heated. At the same time, the structure of the material itself changes.
This is especially important in fine workmanship, where the contours and tabs are usually only a few tenths of a millimeter wide. Controlling fiber laser power and using short laser pulses can reduce the risk of heat build-up and avoid distortion.

Narrow kerf width;

The cutting width generally does not affect the quality of the cut.

The cutting width has an important influence only when a particularly precise profile is form inside the part because the cutting width determines the minimum internal dimensions of the profile.

As the thickness of the plate increases, the cutting width also varies with Increase.

So you want to ensure that the same high-precision, regardless of the width of the incision, the processing of the laser cutting machine processing area should be constant.

Cutting surface smooth, less lines, no brittle fracture

When the laser is cutting the sheet at high temperature, the traces of the molten material do not appear in the notch below the vertical laser beam, and instead, it is ejected at the rear of the laser beam. As a result, the curved lines are formed at the cutting edge and the lines closely follow the moving laser beam. In order to correct this problem, the feed rate is reduced at the end of the cutting process and the formation of lines can be substantially eliminated.

Hope this information is helpful for you.

If you have any questions of laser cutting machine,please feel free contact us.

Sales Manager:Anne Zhang




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