Advanatges and Benefits of Laser cutting-Ivy

Advanatges and Benefits of Laser cutting

If you’re working in the field of manufacturing, and you’re considering using laser cutting in your next project. To help you learn more about it. We’ve put together this list of Advanatges and Benefits of Laser cutting.

SevenAdvantages of Laser Cutting

1.High Accuracy and Precision Cuts

Laser cutting uses an extremely small, powerful laser which delivers a focused beam of light to the material it’s cutting with extreme precision.

The powerful laser melts and evaporates material with unparalle accuracy. with typical tolerances of 0.003 mm to 0.006 mm, in most cases. In contrast, a plasma cutter usually has a tolerance of about 0.02 mm. And some die cutting tools have tolerances as high as 1-3 millimeters or more.

When extremely high accuracy and precision  required, laser cutters are almost always the best choice. This is one of the reasons that laser cutting is often used in the aerospace industry.

2.Low Lead Times with No Need to Replace or Modify Tooling, Lower Costs

One of the best benefits of a laser cutter is that it’s economical to use laser cutting even for limited-run projects. This is because a laser cutter does not use any kind of tooling that must be custom-built or modified for your project. It also does not have physical cutting surfaces which wear out.

To create a component or part with a laser cutter, all you need is a material to cut, a laser cutter, and a schematic which can load into the computer. This reduces overall costs even for small-batch projects, particularly when compared to traditional tooling and manufacturing.

Laser tools also have fewer mechanical moving parts, which reduces maintenance and operations costs and helps keep the cost of using a laser cutting company low.

3.Can Handle Jobs of Almost any Complexity

There is no job that is too complex for a laser cutter. The high-power laser can use  on a very narrow section of material and causes very little warping or distortion to the area being cut.

With the proper schematic, a laser cutter can use to quickly and easily create even the most highly-complex geometries and cuts with unparalle precision and excellent tolerance levels.

4.Higher Sheet Utilization with Less Waste

Another benefit of the precision and accuracy of laser cutting is that it can utilize a very high percentage of your sheet material. By nesting cuts properly, a laser cutter can maximize the number of usable components and parts from any given sheet of material.

Again, this leads to lower overall costs for your project and faster completion times. Less time is needed to swap in new sheets of material, and less of your raw material waste by the machining and cutting process.

5.Causes No Damage Or Warping, Even to Thin Materials

A common misconception about laser cutting is that the high heat causes a lot of distortion and warping. But this is not true. The Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) of laser cutting is actually quite small, and typically causes no issues with the tolerance of the part or component.

Because of this, lasers are actually ideal for cutting extremely thin materials. The laser cuts through the material so quickly that it will not become excessively hot and warp. The HAZ is so small that it can be easily machined away, if necessary.

6.Low Power Consumption

While the laser use to cut materials uses quite a bit of energy, laser cutters do not have any other moving parts – unlike presses and some other cutting tools, which require enormous amounts of energy to deliver cutting force using a physical die.

7.Extreme Cutting Versatility — Can cut nealry all Material

When it comes to laser cutting advantages, this is an important benefit. Laser cutting can use for a huge variety of different tasks, and not just cutting through a material completely. Lasers can also use for drilling, marking, and engraving, just to name a few functions – without needing to replace or switch any tooling.



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