The related information about co2 laser marking machine+Karina

The related information about co2 laser marking machine



The related information about co2 laser marking machine, laser tube light voltmeter has indication

Firstly, irregular light guide joint fever
Then, common in the light guide joint loose and the laser tube is not installed.
Inspection method: same light correction. Remedy: Replace or adjust the light guide and correct the light path.

Secondly, laser power drop
Common in laser tube aging. Check: Check the regulator with the multimeter voltage file and check the working voltage of the laser tube with a high pressure gauge.
Disposal: Replace the aging laser tube and replace the damaged components.
The laser tube does not illuminate. The voltmeter has an indication that the power supply line has an open circuit. Poor contact with the foot switch or manual switch. Check: Measure with a multimeter. Handling: Repair or replacement.

Thirdly, the voltmeter has no indication
Then, common fuses are broken, or the circuit has an open circuit. Check with a multimeter to measure. Remedy: Replace the fuse or switch on the circuit.

Fourth, the power indicator is off.
Common fuses are broken, the incoming line is poorly connected, the indicator line is bad, or the indicator is broken. Check: Check the fuse, check the power supply line, and check the indicator circuit. Handling: Replace the fuse, repair the wire and replace the indicator light.

Fifth, continuously burning fuses are often short-circuited inside the machine, and there are serious dirt inside the machine. Check: Check the line step by step, mostly for short circuit in the high voltage part. Handling: Repair short circuit and remove dirt.

In addition, there are discharge sounds or arc lights in the machine. There are dust in the machine. The water or the air is too humid and corrosive. Check: Observe the discharge point in the dark. Handling: Remove dust, water, etc. and replace the working environment.

Lastly, laser output is unstable
The related information about co2 laser marking machine, then, seen in the CO2 laser marking machine, there is a bad contact, there is a slight intermittent short circuit point inside the machine. Check: Check the line step by step. Disposal: Replace the wire, re-weld the wire, and clean it.


Firstly, if the CO2 laser marking machine is found to be discharged due to moisture or other reasons during adjustment and use, it should be shut down immediately for maintenance.
Secondly, the CO2 laser marking machine can work continuously for 4 hours at low current, and can shorten the use time as needed at high current.
Thirdly, the chassis should be grounded, and the power cable is single-phase three-wire.
Fourth, when the light guide arm is not in use, please place it in the dry box to prevent the lens from being moldy.
Fifth, turn off the power and discharge the high voltage before maintenance to ensure safety.


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