Comparision of different laser marking machines-Ariel

Comparision of different laser marking machines

This article is about comparision of different laser marking machines.Many clients ask about it, so today we will introduce it to you.

Laser marking machines alias laser code machine, laser jet code machine, laser symbol machine.

Laser cutting plotter, laser marking machine, metal laser marking machine, optical fiber laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine.

So what is the difference between several laser marking machines?

At first, it is CO2 laser marking machine.

The current CO2 laser marking machine is usually the importing CO2 rf laser tube, whose service life can reach 20,000 to 40,000 hours.

The marking speed of this model can reach 7,000 mm/s.

CO2 laser marking machine is suitable for marking on most non-metallic materials.

Such as paper packaging, plastic products, leather cloth, glass and ceramics.

Secondly, it is semiconductor side pump laser marking machine.

Semiconductor lasers are choose integration module programming, instead of the YAG laser marking machine krypton lamp.

Then avoid to replace the defect of krypton lamp, modular programming means that it’s less fault, protection is also more convenient.

The light of the semiconductor laser marking machine mould quality is very good, suitable for all kinds of metal and nonmetal on mark.

Such as plastic, mobile phone keys, stainless steel, etc

At last,green laser marking machine.

Green laser marking machine is suitable for sensitive to the thermal effect of the data marking, because the wavelength of the resolution of the green laser is a relatively “cold laser”.

Relatively speaking, it means that comparing with co2 laser marking machine, semiconductor laser marking machine and fiber laser marking machine.

The thermal radiation effect of green laser is smaller.

Green laser marking machine is a typical application of the surface of the crystal and carved inside.

Any other questions,pls feel free to contact us.



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