Principle and function of fiber laser marking laser-Karina

Principle and function of fiber laser marking laser

Principle and function of fiber laser marking laser. Then, in the industrial manufacturing industry, the application of fiber laser marking machine is indispensable.  And its core component fiber laser plays a huge role.

Then, a fiber laser is a laser that uses a rare earth-doped glass fiber as a gain medium and can develop on the basis of a fiber amplifier.

Under the action of pump light, it is easy to form high power density in the fiber, which causes the laser energy level of the laser working substance to “reverse the number of particles”.

Then, and a positive feedback loop (constituting a resonant cavity) can appropriately form to form a laser oscillation output.

Then, fiber laser applications are widely used, including laser fiber communication, laser space long-distance communication, industrial shipbuilding, laser engraving, laser marking, laser cutting, printing rolls, metal non-metallic drilling / cutting / welding / (brazing, Quenching, cladding and deep welding).

Military defense and security, medical equipment and equipment, large-scale infrastructure.

Fiber laser advantages:

1. Then, glass fiber has low manufacturing cost, mature technology, and the advantages of miniaturization and intensification brought about by the flexibility of its fiber.

2. The glass fiber does not require strict phase matching of the incident pump light as the crystal, which is due to the non-uniform broadening caused by the splitting of the glass matrix Stark, resulting in a wide absorption band.

3. Then, the fiber material has a very low volume to area ratio, fast heat dissipation, low loss, and low laser threshold.

4. The output laser has many wavelengths, which is because the rare earth ions have very rich energy levels and many kinds of rare earth ions.

5. Good tunability, thanks to the wide range of rare earth ion energy levels and the broad spectrum of glass fibers.

6. Since there is no optical lens in the cavity of the fiber laser, it has the advantages of no adjustment, no maintenance. And high stability, which is unmatched by conventional lasers.

7. Then, the fiber is exported, making the laser easy to handle a variety of multi-dimensional arbitrary space processing applications. Making the design of the mechanical system very simple.

8. Can handle the harsh working environment and have high tolerance to dust, vibration, shock, humidity and temperature.

9. No need for electric cooling and water cooling, only air cooling is required.

10. Then, has high electro-optic efficiency. Its integrated electro-optical efficiency is as high as 20% or more. Which can greatly save power consumption during operation and save operating costs.



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