Marking alphabet on keyboard laptop,suitable machine recommend you -Amber.

Most our clients want to mark alphabet on keyboard laptop.But  the don’t know how to choose the suitable machine.

So Let us tell you how to choose  a suitable machine.

According to our experience,laser source we recommend 30w mopa.MOPA laser is one of fiber laser, in addition to being able to do the basic work of fiber laser.

it also can mark colors on stainless steel(yes, only on SS) and black colors on anodized aluminum.

Compare with fiber laser machine,these machines may look the same.But they are different not only in the effect of work and technology, they are also very different in price, MOPA laser technology also tends to be much more expensive than normal fiber optic lasers .Both machines can do similar jobs, however, if you are looking for a better finish in plastic materials.And have the possibility of engraving different colors in stainless steel, or titanium, you can think about the solution that the MOPA laser can offer.

About working area,the 200*200mm is enough.So 30w mopa with 200*200mm working area is a good chose.


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