Laser Cutting Steel/Laser Cutting Aluminum Problems – Elena

Although metal cutting operations traditionally employ mechanical or manual processes, laser cutting can be a viable, effective, and cost-efficient option for metal fabrication. Laser equipment is distinct from other cutting machines in both design and application. For example, laser cutters do not make direct contact with material, rely on high-energy power sources, have tighter cutting tolerances, and are generally automated to maximize precision.

Development of laser machine is very difficult. Unlike standard-grade or carbon steel, aluminum and stainless steel are light-reflective and heat-conductive metals. So it can be difficult to fabricate them using a laser cutting process. A possible solution for laser cut aluminum and laser cut steel, involves the use of a higher power setting coupled with compressed gas technology. Using gases in conjunction with cutting operations is fairly common. Nitrogen and oxygen assisted laser cutting machines can shape aluminum and stainless steel at relatively high capacities and with quality edge finishes. However, higher electricity consumption and the cost of peripheral equipment. Such as gas or air filters, can increase expenses for these systems.

Research and Development

Many organizations, such as the Laser Institute of America and Laserlab Europe. Conduct ongoing research to determine the best standard practices and optimal laser applications for a range of materials. Likewise, laser cutting head specifications are continually being revised and adjusted to improve the quality of laser piercing and the cleanness of laser cuts. As laser cutting systems continue to improve in their capacity, production rates, and cost-efficiency. More steel and aluminum laser cutting applications are likely to appear.


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