Typical characteristics of wavelength range lasers-Elena

This section presents the different types of laser markers and the characteristics of each type.
The types of laser markers vary according to the wavelength of the laser light, as well as the objects that can be marked.
The feeling of finishing each marking process will also vary, so the ideal model will vary depending on the purpose of the application.

Typical characteristics of 1064 nm wavelength range lasers

  • A wide range of processing applications from plastics to metals
  • It cannot process transparent objects such as glass, since the laser passes through them.
  • Easily create contrast in plastics.

Typical characteristics of 10600 nm wavelength range lasers

  • It is not well absorbed in metals
  • Melt and burn occur due to the long wavelength and heat transfer.
  • It allows to process transparent objects such as glass and PET.
  • Compared to the standard wavelength, processed plastics tend to be subjected to less coloration.

Typical characteristics of 532 nm wavelength range lasers

  • It is a high absorption rate for various materials. 532 nm lasers facilitate the processing, even of objects with high reflectance.
  • The beam diameter is narrower than a standard wavelength laser, which makes detailed processing possible.
  • Because light of this wavelength can penetrate glass and other transparent materials, they cannot process them.
  • It is not prone to cause heat stress to objects.

Typical characteristics of 355 nm wavelength range lasers

  • The absorption rate is higher than that of a green laser, which allows for good coloring and marking without damage, for a wide variety of materials.
  • It is possible to mark and process objects with high reflectance, such as gold and copper, with minimal thermal influence.
  • It makes narrower beam diameters possible than those of a green laser, allowing for more detailed marking and processing.


The above data is for reference only.

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