Fiber laser cutting machine cut double side laminated film – Catherine

Fiber laser cutting machine cut double side laminated film

Although some operators are familiar with the use of fiber laser cutting machines. And there are still some users who suggest that it is difficult to master the method of cutting double-sided laminated sheets. In order to help everyone solve this difficulty, the following describes the cutting method. And fiber laser cutting machine cut double side laminated film.
The coated sheet is difficult to cut because its cutting head can only cut downward from the top of the sheet. The protective film on the sheet has no effect during the cutting process. But it produce during the cutting process due to the film under the sheet. The cutting residue can not completely drop. And these residues will directly affect the cutting effect of the sheet, so that the sheet can not cut through or have a large burr after cutting. However, if the film under the sheet completely torn off, scratches will appear under the sheet.

The specific method is:
1. Draw an auxiliary cut chart that matches the actual cut chart.

The specific method is to mirror the actual cut image, and you can directly get the auxiliary cut chart.

2. Calculate the position and maximum offset of the film to remove.

In theory, the auxiliary cutting pattern use to etch the upper surface of the sheet by laser etching. And the protective film at the cutting position etch, and the sheet material can be directly cut by cutting the sheet. However, in the actual cutting process, due to the influence of laser positioning error and sheet shape error, the cutting positions of the front and back sides of the sheet are unlikely to coincide. Therefore, when the front side is etched, the exact offset is measured, and the protective film at the offset position is torn off.

3. Draw cutting drawings and auxiliary cutting drawings.

The cutting drawings can be drawn directly according to the shape of the workpiece. The auxiliary cutting drawings are mirrored, and then the actual cutting drawings are mirrored, and then offset by the set error value.

4. Perform laser cutting map layout.

It is necessary to first typeset the auxiliary cutting drawings. Secondly, the layout of the auxiliary cut image is mirrored, the etched line is removed, and only the actual cut image is retained.

5. Perform laser cutting.

First, the plate is etched first, and then the protective film at the laser cut position is removed. After the protective film is torn off, the steel plate is turned over, and then the workpiece is cut.

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