fiber laser cutting -Claudia

Five trends about fiber laser cutting machine

1. High power can improve performance and throughput.

optic High power fiber laser cutting technology has been increasing year by year. These high-power lasers provide greater cutting range, faster cutting speeds, and improved part edge quality while increasing performance and yield. High power can usually cut thicker materials, but the larger cutting range is only one of the advantages of high power laser cutting. Faster cutting speeds also increase yield. Since the introduction of fiber lasers, improving edge quality has been the focus. CO2 lasers provide excellent edge quality, and solid-state laser technology has been working to achieve this. As fiber lasers move to higher power levels.

2. optic New nozzle technology reduces gas consumption and improves cutting speed.

There are various nozzle designs on the market. Some can increase cutting speed and reduce gas consumption, while others can provide reliable cutting performance across the entire cutting range. Each nozzle design is suitable for a specific cutting application, and each of these nozzles offers different advantages depending on the thickness of the material you are processing.

3. optic High-pressure gas cutting reduces parts costs Traditionally, the air system provides a pressure of about 150 psi.

Under this limited pressure, the cutting capacity is relatively low. Due to insufficient power to use air, there are now high pressure systems of 400 to 500 psi, which is usually equal to the pressure of a nitrogen bulk tank. High-pressure compressed air is particularly suitable for aluminum cutting. Other materials can also be cut, such as stainless steel, but the cutting edges of the part may lose their luster or become gray. The edge quality of air-cut mild steel is also slightly worse.

4. Laser automation increases flexibility and productivity.

For workers, loading and unloading work can be very laborious, and the use of automatic loading and unloading devices and automatic control systems can greatly reduce the physical nature of the laser operator’s work. There is no doubt that automation can increase efficiency. It’s time to embrace the future and begin the transition to a more automated workforce and work environment. Many other components can  add to the automation system, such as conveyors, labelers, and more. Different automation systems can be customized according to requirements. Automation allows manufacturers to increase productivity without adding machines or personnel.

5. Pipe cutting can meet the growing demand for structural steel utilization.

With the widespread application of residential and non-residential buildings, structural steel has become more and more popular. Thanks to advanced technology, buildings can be moved vertically faster by using pipes. Because it is more environmentally friendly, pipes are also the first choice. Compared with other structural materials, the metal recovery rate reaches 90%, making it more “green”. Why do we have to cut tubes with lasers? Due to faster cutting speeds, high-precision cutting and increased downstream manufacturing efficiency, lasers are the ideal solution for cutting pipes and structural materials.


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