How To Extend The Life of Laser Cutting Machine-Phoebe

How To Extend The Life of Laser Cutting Machine

The main components of the laser cutting machine are circuit system, transmission system, cooling system,

light source system, and dust removal system.

The main parts of the daily maintenance that need to be maintained are the cooling system, the dust removal system,

the optical path system, and the transmission system.We will take you to learn about equipment maintenance tips.

1.Cooling system maintenance

The water inside the water cooler needs to replace regularly, and the frequency of replacement is usually one week.

The water quality and water temperature of the circulating water directly affect the service life of the laser tube.

It recommends to use pure water or distilled water and control the water temperature below 35 °C.

It is easy to form scale without changing the water for a long time, thus blocking the waterway, so be sure to change the water regularly.

2.Dust removal system maintenance

After a long time of use, the fan will accumulate a lot of dust, which will affect the exhaust and deodorization effects.

When the fan finds to have insufficient suction and poor smoke exhaust, remove the dust from the inlet and outlet air ducts on the fan,

then turn the fan upside down, stir the blades inside until they are clean, and then install the fan.

3.The optical system maintenance

After the machine works for a period of time, the surface of the lens will glue with a layer of ash due to the working environment,

reduce the reflectivity of the reflecting lens and the transmittance of the lens.

At this time, use cotton wool and ethanol to carefully wipe along the center of the lens to the edge.

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