Difference between CO2 laser engraving machine and CO2 laser marking machine-Ivy

Difference between CO2 laser engraving machine and CO2 laser marking machine

Difference between CO2 laser engraving machine and CO2 laser marking machine

co2 laser engraving machine

Same: both machine us CO2 laser.  application material: both machine are workable for nonmetal materials, such as wood, acrylic, paper, bamboo, glass, leather, ceramic  and so on.

But more difference: difference last light, co2 laser engraving machine: three reflective mirrors, and one focus lens. CO2 laser marking machine ,only lens. different working size: co2 laser engraving machine. Has larger work size, such as 60x40cm, 90x60cm, 120*90cm, 130x90cm, 160x100cm, 130x250cm. while co2 laser marking machine has 10*10cm, 20x20cm 30x30cm as standard work size.   Laser source, laser power supply, laser mirrors. work table, honey combe table. Blade work table. air pump, water pump, chiller.

co2 Laser engraving machine, can engrave, and can cut nonmetal. But CO2 laser marking machine, only can mark, can not cut

warranty difference: CO2 laser marking machine, co2 laser glass tube, 3 months warranty, 10 months warranty. But CO2 laser marking machine has 1 year warranty.

Difference package size: CO2 laser engraving machine has larger package size, at least 1 cbm, but CO2 laser marking machine, no more than 0.5 cbm.

More information,contact us at xintian108@xtlaser.com

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Jinan Xintian Technology Co.,Ltd was established in 2004,production and service of fiber laser cutting machine,fiber laser marking machine.pneumatic marking machine,laser engraving machine,laser welding machine, laser cutting machine.

Now we are  looking for overseas distributors,and in 2019,we have attend more than 10 overseas exhibitions,such as Korea,India,certain country,Malasyia,USA..


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