Why is a cutting machine not suitable for marking job-Ariel

Why is a cutting machine not suitable for marking job

Why is a cutting machine not suitable for marking job?Many clients has this question. I need a fiber laser cutting machine, but i also need to do marking job. Can I do these jobs with a fiber laser cutting machine?


We don’t suggest that, to be honest.However,it is not suitable for marking and engraving on metal,here some reasons:

Auxiliary gas:

*when cutting machine working,need Auxiliary gas,such as O2 and N2,the cost is very high;while marking machine no need anything.

Machine total power:oiiyyhut
*the cutting machine total power start from 12kw-38kw ,while the marking machine total power only 800w,if using cutting machine do marking works,will waste lots of money.

Machine cost:
*the cutting machine cost from $22000,while marking machine cost from $2900;

Machine operation:
*the cutting machine need our engineer go to your factory for installation and training,while marking machine is very easy to operate,online training will be fine;

*the cutting machine has some wearing parts on cutting head,such as nozzle,protective lens;while marking machine have no any consumables,just clean the lens sometimes;

Cooling methods:
*the cutting machine is water-cooling;while marking machine is air-cooling,so you do not need to change and add water.

So if you need to do marking and engraving job, we suggest you can choose a fiber laser marking machine. Its price is more than 5000USD.

Hope this article is helpful to you. Any other questions,pls feel free to contact us.

Ariel from XT LASER
E: xintian122@xtlaser.com
WhatsApp&Wechat&Mobile: +86 17866940010
Skype: Ariel XTLaser

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