There are many types of lenses for your CO2 laser equipment. At XTLASER we are distributors of lenses of the highest quality and at the best price; We leave aside the cheapest lenses that, instead of providing benefits, can end up bringing problems to your equipment when it comes to cutting or engraving, in addition to their shorter life time.

Which lens is best for each type of job?

There are many types of laser lenses on the market, the ideal focal length is different for each lens.

Lens 1.5″

This lens size is ideal for high engraving resolutions. Recommended for engraving small letters or very small details. Produces a laser beam between 0.0762 and 0.1651 mm. suitable for cutting material less than 1.8 mm thick.

Lens 2″

It is the standard lens on most laser machines. It produces a laser beam between 0.1 and 0.18 mm, recommended for cutting and engraving work between 300 and 600 dpi.

Lens 4″

This lens produces a more focused cut at a greater vertical distance. Recommended for engraving on curved materials and for cutting thicker materials.

How long is the life time of a CO2 Laser lens?

The life time of your lens can vary greatly and there are many factors that can lengthen or shorten its life, such as maintenance and good use, leaving these factors aside, the quality of the lens you are acquiring directly influences its durability.

A USA ZnSe lens can give us a durability of approximately 6 to 9 months, based on our experience with clients, but let’s go step by step, first of all:

What does ZnSe mean?

ZnSe is short for Zinc Selenide and is the preferred material for coating laser and other optical lenses because of its high transmission of infrared light as opposed to normal glass.

ZnSe lenses are very sensitive, and any dirt or oil on the skin can severely contaminate them, which can cause performance degradation.

For this, it is very important to put on finger covers, or even much better latex gloves, since this way you have your hands completely covered and it will be easier to manipulate the lens without damaging it.

Lastly, we recommend that you keep the lens clean and use it with the proper equipment to maximize its life time.



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