Why should we need auxiliary gas when we using fiber laser cutting machine cutting metal materials ? -Lucy

Why should we need auxiliary gas when we using fiber laser cutting machine cutting metal materials ?

The reason that we need auxiliary gas when we using fiber laser cutting machine

1.First, the auxiliary gas will start chemical reaction with the metal material, which increases the working capacity.

2.Second, blowing off the slag by air and clean the cutting seam.

3.Third, the gas will cool the area around cutting seam, which can avoid shape change of the material.

4.Last but most important, to protect the Focus Lens from combustion products caused by high temperature of laser beam.

Normally, O2 ( Oxygen) , N2 (Nitrogen) and Air will be used as auxiliary gas for fiber laser cutting.

Their functions are as following respectively.

N: Nitrogen used for cutting nonferrrous metal.

Such as Stainless Steel and Aluminum sheet.

It can cool and protect the material.

As such materials are easy to blackene with Oxygen, so  using Nitrogen can avoid this phenomenon of going black.

Applicable Materials: Aluminum, Aluminum Alloy, Stainless Steel, Galvanized Steel Sheet and Brass

O2: Oxygen is used in cutting Carbon Steel.

As there is many Carbonaceous impurities in carbon steel, so using O2 can greatly increase the combusting speed.

As well as accelerating cutting speed.

However, there is a disadvantage, the cutting surface will be black.

The cutting surface appears black or buff.

Applicable Materials: Stainless steel, Carbon Steel.

Air: Air can be provided by Air Compressor and the price is very low. Although there is about 20% Oxygen in air, the cutting efficiency is far less than Oxygen, nearly same as Nitrogen’s efficiency.

The cutting surface appears yellow.

Applicable Materials: Aluminum, Aluminum Alloy, Stainless Steel, Galvanized Steel Sheet and nonmetal etc.

Argon: Very expensive, protecting from oxidation and nitridation. Cutting surface appears yellow.

Mainly used in Titanium and Titanium Alloy.

Gas is very important for fiber laser cutting machine to cut metal material.

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